Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Best Reason for War is Oil!

Often in life one takes concerted action because of a confluence of reasons. Iraq is a prime example.

The U.S. authorization to use force cited many justifications, chief among those reasons of course was the belief that Saddam had WMD - but then there was the human rights premise, the assassination attempt of former president Bush, wanting to spread democracy, etc. The prima causa however was left loudly unsaid: oil! But then real reasons are generally better left unsaid.

Given that all of modernity (since the first oil well was drilled in 1859) is but an ever-ballooning lattice-work of operations and mechanisms cosmically demanded and specifically designed to evoke and dissipate this richest of gradients, there is not a better reason for war than, you guessed it, oil. One billion to 6.5 billion in population - fueled by fossil fuels. Indeed, the Cosmos don't give a shit about humanity. To it, we are a means. We are merely the most efficient "ball-bearing" and cycler of energy in all the web of life. And unfortunately, we are now stuck, stiched "over a barrel" as it were, having sewn every inch of our infrastructure from the carbon yarn of an ever dimishing spool of resources. We made a pack with the devil, a brilliant pack no doubt, but one that nevertheless is coming due.

Look around you. All that you see is petro-based. Do you care for your family? Do you care that they get the medicine that they need, the food that they eat, the roof over their head? Petro-chemicals: the stuff of medicine, plastics, herbecides, pesdicides, not to mention fuel, raw material extraction and fabrication, and I could go on and on and on... Do you have any idea the degree to which your world is stitched together by the teased and drawn ends of oil? Do you? Oil, my firends, catalyzes and lubricates our entire way of life. Without it's flow, everything would come crashing down.

So I have disdain when people question the Iraq war because we did not find WMD. Not so much because every intelligence agency of every foreign government across the globe believed that Saddam had them; but because it should be obvious that WMD - though an absolutely justifiable reason in itself - was nonetheless meant to be stressed as a pretext (hyped up for public consumption) to overshadow the most important reason: oil.

And make no mistake about it; if you feel duped, it's not because Bush lied to you, but because you were too stupid to see and appreciate the truth. Educate yourself, my friends. It's easy. Truth is obvious. I knew it was about oil. I knew why Bush could not say it was about oil. And thus I knew why WMD (again, a solid and legitimate reason in it's own right) was so over-weighted in the administrations argument. The reality of the situation itself argues that Bush made an honorable and an incredibly responsible play going into Mesopotamia. But then again, I look to the world for what it is, accept it, and want it renewed. -- I mean, what healthy organism would not swallow what it most needed to survive?

As much as any president in history, Bush acted to protect our way of life. He stood hard and fast against world and public opinion. And while I don't agree with every policy position; regarding Iraq, he has shown to be one of our greatest leaders by stewarding one of the most brilliant geo-political strokes in history.

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